About Us

Lite Financial was created with a single purpose in mind; to help people gain a suitable lender.

Our team consists of professional mortgage brokers who have been working with residential and commercial property lenders for many years. We have seen the problems associated with lenders and how they work with some mortgagees and we’ve made it our mission to make changes in the industry for the better.

We have decades of experience in the industry and in that time, we have seen many changes. Some for the better and some not so much. We prefer to focus on the better changes and seek to exploit these for the benefits of our clients. One particular thing that has changed is how to alter your mortgage and switch lenders. These gives the power back to the consumer rather than the lenders (like it worked in the past!). It has also allowed many more lending companies to flourish, and this can make it more difficult to figure out if you have the best company handling your mortgage.

The team at Lite Financial consists of bankers from many of Australia's major banks. They take the skills they obtained during their tenure at these financial institutions and use it to benefit our customers. We know how the lending systems work and how to make it function better for you and our customers. By hiring a team that can surf the system it’ll give you the best outcome possible. We can look at the offerings of many different lenders and make a call on if they are going to be suitable and help our clients. We have the skills necessary to take advantage of special offerings and can let you know when it’s the best time to switch your lenders.